- anabatic wind
- • восходящий воздушный поток• восходящий поток
Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.
anabatic wind — A local wind that flows up the side of the valleys resulting from increased heating along the valley walls. Often anabatic wind results in cumulus clouds along the ridges on either side of the valley. These winds are the opposite of katabatic… … Aviation dictionary
Anabatic wind — An anabatic wind, from the Greek anabatos , verbal of anabainein meaning moving upward, is a wind which blows up a steep slope or mountain side. It is also known as an upslope flow. These winds typically occur during the daytime in calm sunny… … Wikipedia
anabatic wind — also called upslope wind local air current that blows up a hill or mountain slope facing the Sun. During the day, the Sun heats such a slope (and the air over it) faster than it does the adjacent atmosphere over a valley or a plain at the … Universalium
anabatic wind — noun An upslope wind; usually applied only when the wind is blowing up a hill or mountain as a result of local surface heating and apart from the effects of the larger scale circulation; the opposite of katabatic wind. The most common type… … Wiktionary
anabatic — adjective Etymology: Greek anabatos, verbal of anabainein Date: 1853 moving upward ; rising < an anabatic wind > … New Collegiate Dictionary
anabatic — /an euh bat ik/, adj. Meteorol. 1. pertaining to an uphill wind produced by the effects of local heating. Cf. katabatic. 2. (formerly) pertaining to any upward moving air current. [1805 15; < Gk anabatikós pertaining to climbing or to a climber,… … Universalium
anabatic — adj. (Meteorology) created by the upward flow of warm air (of a wind) … English contemporary dictionary
anabatic — [ˌanə batɪk] adjective Meteorology (of a wind) caused by local upward motion of warm air. Origin early 20th cent.: from Gk anabatikos, from anabatēs a person who ascends … English new terms dictionary
anabatic — an•a•bat•ic [[t]ˌæn əˈbæt ɪk[/t]] adj. mer (of a wind or air current) moving upward Compare katabatic • Etymology: 1805–15; < Gk anabatikós pertaining to climbing =anaba , s. of anabaín(ein) to go up + tikos tic … From formal English to slang
anabatic — Related to wind currents, especially rising winds … Grandiloquent dictionary
anabatic — adj. Meteorol. (of a wind) caused by air flowing upwards (cf. KATABATIC). Etymology: Gk anabatikos ascending (as ANABASIS) … Useful english dictionary